Sak Yant & Muay Thai

What is Sak Yant? And what’s it’s significance to Muay Thai?

Sak Yant is a style of traditional tattoo originating in Khmer and gained popularity within other country that practice Buddhism, such as Thailand. These tattoos, traditionally, are hand tapped by a Buddhist monk in a temple and chants are repeated during the tapping process. Sak Yant has a deep spiritual and cultural significance within followers of Buddhism and each design has a different meaning and purpose. Most Muay Thai fighters will have a few different designs of Sak Yant as they provide protection to the individual, physical and spiritual. Having Sak Yant comes with “rules” that need to be followed or it is believed the intentions and powers of the tattoo can weaken or have negative affects instead. The most common designs found in Muay Thai fighters are the “Hanuman”, believed to gain bravery and courage, a symbol or strength and perseverance. “Gao Yord”, tattooed at the nape of the neck and provides protection from evil spirits and gains good luck. “Tiger” Yant, symbolised strength, power and fearlessness. Before deciding on a design, make sure research is done because some of the rules with having these tattoos can be life altering.

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