Rules Of Muay Thai / Thai Boxing

The rules established by the World Muay Thai Council states fighters must be within 5 pounds difference in weight, protective gear to be worn including groin guard and mouth guard. All fighters must perform the “Wai Kru” ritual before their fight, wearing the Mongkol. 

There are 3 ways a fight can be won, Knockout, Technical Knockout and Points. The point system is simple. Each round, the highest a fighter can score is 10. If you score a 10 you have performed well, however, your score goes down if you’ve received a warning, or you have not blocked or defended yourself up to par. Muay Thai has 5 rounds of 3 minutes each, with a 2 minute break in between, if both fighter has performed well and received 10 points in all rounds, the fight is then declared a draw. 

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