Is Muay Thai / Thai Boxing effective in a street fight?

In theory, Muay Thai / Thai Boxing works well because you are taught close distance techniques such as clinching and throwing opponents as well as more distanced combat, like kicks. Although there are no rules to street fighting and more likely to be fought dirty, Muay Thai has some moves that can lay a lot of damage in a fight even on a beginner level such as elbows to the head and knees to the body (or groin, because there’s no rules, obviously), if you manage to sweep your opponent and get them to the ground, it is beneficial and can prove to be a big advantage to you. Muay Thai also allows you to be calm under pressure because sparring is comparable to a real fight situation outside the ring, however, training also allows you to walk away knowing you have the skills to inflict damage, giving you the confidence that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.

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